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Light — Colour Pencil Drawings Furze Chan Solo Exhibition 光 — 顏色鉛筆畫 陳嘉儀個展13.7 - 11.8.2024



Pencil is often considered the most primitive artistic medium, but in the hands of a skilled artist, it can produce works of simple beauty and emotion. 


Meet the Artist 藝術家在廊: Furze Chan 陳嘉儀

Date & Time: 13.7.2024 3pm - 4:30pm

Venue: The Gallery by SOIL

Language: Cantonese / English

This is a Free-of-Charge event 費用全免

Exhibition Opening Hours

13.7 - 11.8.2024 Tue- Sun 12nn - 6pm

Please RSVP via this online form to secure your seat. An acknowledgement will be sent to confirm your reservation. 

We look forward to your presence and support at this significant event.



About "Light 光"

This solo exhibition displays a series of 11 workpieces by Furze under the theme “Light”.

The drawings on display depict light and shadow in the form of time. As the imagery under the sun is never still, the dappling light and shadows across every moment turns time into a visible format. If a particular moment of light and shadows is captured onto a drawing, time became still. We are able to stare at the drawing as long as we wish to. 

Furze Chan used photographs she took and collected as visual reference. Whether the featured subject is a forest or a blossoming field, what Furze is trying to depict is a certain expression of state rather than a describable emotion. Similarly to the state of nature, there are phenomenons but never defined conclusions. 

Under the theme “Light”, Furze explores the use of colour pencils in an unconventional way. The theme “Light” and the drawing techniques are parallel. She insisted to draw only under natural day light, applying strokes as gentle as possible. Airy shades were gradually layered into structures. This is where the various expressions of “Light” are carried within.

However, the manipulation against the technical nature of colour pencils and the abstractness of the subject often led to exhaustions from the eyes. Therefore, Furze would carried out retouches on a “finished” work piece repeatedly until its final completion. Some of the works took up to two and a half years to finish. 

Furze considered the framing of the drawings a part of her art. All drawings were installed into picture frames of solid wood by herself. From the size of the picture frame, to the white space of the framing mat board, they were all thoughtfully designed to achieve the best viewing format.

藝術家陳嘉儀 Furze Chan 今次的個展《光》展出11幅顏色鉛筆畫作。

Furze 通過描繪光影來刻劃時間。斑駁的光影在日照下持續流動,假如光變幻不定的特質從屬於時間,畫紙上的景色正好補捉了其中一瞬,在框架內塑造出時間的具體形象,讓觀者可注視良久。Furze以拍下或收集得來的照片作藍本,或是枝葉婆娑,或是繁花似錦,畫作希望表現一種自然而然的面貌,而非帶有感情的情緒狀態。所謂自然,即是一個存在的現象,從不對定義作出結論。



Furze 視裝裱為作品的一部分。從作品的尺寸,到墊板的留白空間,均是她精心設計並親自裝裱在實木畫框裡,希望呈現最理想的觀賞效果。

About Furze Chan 陳嘉儀

Furze Chan (b. 1984) was born in Hong Kong, where she currently lives and works. She studied at the School of Design in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for her bachelor degree of Visual Communication Design. After graduation, she worked mainly as a freelance graphic designer. In 2009, she launched her own paper product brand “With Her Animal Poetry” introducing festive cards and paper puppets featuring her own drawings. Her interest in colour pencils has been developed since then.

Starting from 2016, with colour pencils as the main medium, Furze shifted to be an illustrator. She has participated in numerous projects including works of still illustrations and also animations. Examples of works include the “Art of Shinkansen” animation for JR Central Japan Railways in 2018, and the “SHALL WE TALK” animations and print ads for the Advisory Committee on Mental Health in 2022. Her previous overseas clients include JR Central Japan Railways, Medium(US), New York Times(US) and previous local clients include K11 MUSEA, Obscura Magazine and WWF. She now provides illustrations in a weekly manner for M le magazine du Monde, a popular magazine in France.

From 2019 to 2020, Furze created the column “Furniture Music” on Obscura Magazine. Various types of subjects, such as bedsheets, plants, windmills and raindrops, were re-interpreted into soft palettes through minimal compositions. There was a particular drawing capturing the dapples of sunlight inside the forest as the subject, which led to the current exhibition "Light".

陳嘉儀 1984年生於香港,畢業於香港理工大學設計學院視覺傳意系,隨後主要擔任自由平面設計師及插畫師。

2009年Furze推出了自家的紙製品品牌「With Her Animal Poetry」,產品以她繪畫的節日賀卡和紙偶為主,從那時起產生了使用顏色鉛筆繪畫的興趣。

2016年她開始專攻以顏色鉛筆創作,並以插畫師的身份參與多個工作項目,插畫以外也涉獵動畫,作品包括2018年為日本JR東海公司製作的「Art of Shinkansen」動畫,及2022年為香港心理健康諮詢委員會製作的「SHALL WE TALK」動畫和平面廣告等;海外客戶括日本JR東海公司、 《Medium》(美國)和《紐約時報》(美國)等;本地客戶包括 K11 MUSEA、《Obscura》雜誌和世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF Hong Kong)等。現時她每週為法國雜誌《M le magazine du Monde》提供插畫。

2019至2020年間,Furze在《Obscura》雜誌創作的「Furniture Music」專欄以素淡的色調繪畫了林林總總的物件和生活場景,諸如床單、植物、風車和雨點,開始建立明確的簡潔柔和風格。是次展覽《光》的作品正是該欄目其中一幅林間光影後來的伸延。


Exhibition Highlights 展覽亮點

View the catalogue appended below. Visit our gallery. Contact for enquiry and purchase. 


Forest 01

Furze Chan, 2022-2024

original drawing

colour pencil on 200gsm archival Fabriano paper

L351mm x W351mm


Furze Chan, 2021

original drawing

colour pencil on 300gsm acid-free canson paper

L410mm x W332mm

Forest 03

Furze Chan, 2023-2024

original drawing

colour pencil on 200gsm archival Fabriano paper

L410mm x W297mm

If you are interested in any of these art pieces and would like us to arrange a private viewing for you, please email to or WhatsApp 95593908. 

若您對任何作品感興趣,而希望可安排私人會面時段,請電郵至 或 WhatsApp 95593908 ,我們樂意為您服務。


About Contemporary Crafts Centre - Empowered by SOIL.

We feature contemporary craft-based artists whose work embraces the increasingly blurred boundaries between art, craft and design.


Shop 102, 1/F, Barrack Block, Tai Kwun,

10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

Opening Hours:

12nn - 6pm Tuesday - Sunday


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